27 research outputs found

    Le politiche di sviluppo rurale nell´unione europea: un secondo pilastro tutto da inventare

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    This paper provides an analysis of the evolution of EU common rural development policy together with an assessment of the state of the art in the implementation of such policy in Italy during 2000-2006 programming period. Within this framework financing agriculture and farmers is still at the centre of the intervention, but the more general support to the rural areas is of increasing importance. The last objective is pursued through the implementation of traditional measures as well as of “bottom up” programmes (that is the Leader initiative). This paper gives an overview on the main measures aimed at these objectives, focusing both on the underlying EC regulation and on the main specificities and problems linked to their implementation. A further objective of the paper is drawing lessons and policy recommendations for future experiences, which need for a coordinated approach at European, national and regional level. In this framework, the definition of new institutional arrangements really capable of delivering rural policies where they are needed is crucial. Participative approaches like Leader can help the design and the delivery of strategies fitting specific territorial needs.Governance, Agricultural policy, Rural areas

    Identification of a targetable KRAS-mutant epithelial population in non-small cell lung cancer

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    Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths. Tumor heterogeneity, which hampers development of targeted therapies, was herein deconvoluted via single cell RNA sequencingin aggressive human adenocarcinomas (carrying Kras-mutations) and comparable murine model. We identified a tumor-specific, mutant-KRAS-associated subpopulation which is conserved in both human and murine lung cancer. We previously reported a key role for the oncogene BMI-1 in adenocarcinomas. We therefore investigated the effects of in vivo PTC596 treatment, which affects BMI-1 activity, in our murine model. Post-treatment, MRI analysis showed decreased tumor size, while single cell transcriptomics concomitantly detected near complete ablation of the mutant-KRAS-associated subpopulation, signifying the presence of a pharmacologically targetable, tumor-associated subpopulation. Our findings therefore hold promise for the development of a targeted therapy for KRAS-mutant adenocarcinomas

    Review of Rural Development Instruments: DG Agri project 2006-G4-10. Final Report

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    The aim of the study was to review the policy instruments under the framework of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), 2007-13, by: • reviewing intervention rationales and instruments and their use against the objectives, priorities and key actions in the EU Strategic Guidelines; • assessing whether and how RD rationales and instruments should be adapted to deliver these more effectively. The study involved 8 tasks, grouped into 3 themes of analysis: 1) the targeting of EU-27 rural development expenditure, 2000-13, including the development of databases of EU-27 rural area characteristics and ‘indicators of need’ for RD; 2) consideration of the adequacy of the current EAFRD framework, based upon an evaluation of instruments’ cost-effectiveness; the a priori development of a typology of RD interventions and catalogue of instruments; an analysis of delivery mechanisms; and assessment of instruments in ‘fiches’; 3) conclusions and recommendations. In the event, progress in finalising national and/or regional RDPs 2007-13 was delayed,over the study period. Thus, the approach was modified to incorporate more qualitative analysis and the expenditure analysis was made using incomplete figures (July 2007), so 4% of total EAFRD planned expenditure was missing

    Considerazioni conclusive

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    Elementi conclusivi e riflessioni sulla condizione giovanile nelle aree interne considerando obiettivi e traiettorie di vita che perdono qualsiasi tratto di certezza – più che mai considerando la condizione pandemica in atto al momento della rilevazione – e la diffusione dell’intenzione volontaria di restanza che raggiunge la metà del campione delle aree interne

    Tipologie di aree rurali in Italia

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    Studi e ricercheConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca della Camera dei Deputati, Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Voglia di restare. Indagine sui giovani nell'Italia dei paesi

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    Gli otto contributi raccolti nella curatela pongono uno sguardo su pratiche, rappresentazioni e condizioni di vita dei giovani residenti nelle aree interne italiane con particolare riferimento ai loro percorsi abitativi e altresì riflettendo sulla situazione demografica dei loro territori. Infatti, nonostante da lungo tempo questi luoghi siano penalizzati da fenomeni di spopolamento per via di carenze infrastrutturali e scarsità di servizi, sono emersi parallelamente negli anni fenomeni di restanza, di ritorno o anche di neo-abitazione orientate alla valorizzazione delle risorse presenti nelle aree interne. Da questa prospettiva, soprattutto per i segmenti più giovani, restare nelle aree interne non si traduce in una pigra rassegnazione ma nella volontà di generare proattivamente un impatto sul territorio in cui si sceglie consapevolmente di radicarsi. I risultati delle ricerche presentate nel testo, condotte attraverso metodi quantitativi e qualitativi, fanno principalmente riferimento al lavoro di approfondimento promosso negli ultimi anni dall’associazione Riabitare l’Italia e che ha visto la partecipazione di studiosi delle aree interne di diversa provenienza disciplinare. Obiettivo principale è cercare di mettere in evidenza sia le difficoltà che i giovani residenti nelle aree interne si ritrovano ad affrontare, sia le opportunità che questi luoghi possono offrire per favorire lo sviluppo dei propri percorsi di vita. Partendo da queste basi si intende stimolare una riflessione anche rispetto all’elaborazione di interventi e politiche capaci di supportare chi sceglie di restare, interpretandone bisogni e aspirazioni